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I am Arcahangel Ariel. I am pleased to be among you.    (Client name withheld ),   I am Archangel Ariel. Much to your surprise, I am very much human-like. Archangel indeed, with honor I carry thy shields of light and power to transmute the undersea and the depths of your waters.  The life within me carries throughout all dimensions; however, I come forth from the 23rd. dimension.   Be not in surmise of attitude nor doubt.


I am Archangel Ariel, my message to you is to beware of false lights being created with much disdain. I am not here to blindfold nor carry you with sounds of harmony. I am here to awaken you with truth and certainty that the world you live in is very much created by our own expectations. Carry forth the desire to have the knowledge and you shall reign within wisdom, but the same is said, carry yourself with the desire to avarice and greed and you shall reap powerlessness. Call on me when you wish clarity and truth.


I am Archangel Ariel, from the depths of the seas, from the mountains of corals you cannot see.  


My love to you till eternity. forever is and will be, yours.


Out of Stock
  • • Oil on canvas

    • 18x24"

    • 1.5" Depth Gallery Wrapped

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